Show off YOUR Laser!

Hey the guy in this ad (the one on the left) looks just like me. Could be my twin.
Will offer a reward 2 anyone who can tell me who it is.

ps. The reward may be less tangible then more traditional one's it you??..:rolleyes:..what do I win? :)
No it's not me (lol):D
Will never ever ever be in an ad for Lasers. In fact people I know have decided not to buy a Laser after watching me sail.

Serious about the twin thing tho.
...yeah after a day of sailing at the lake I frequent..I get "compliments" like ..."the bottom of your boat sure looks good".....ahh thanks :(
2. Well, to a certain degree, you're correct. Some would say that is the beauty of the internet. There's no reason to be unnecessarily nasty, but hey, stuff happens.

Stuff doesn't happen for long on TLF, and few of us care how much you can deadlift.
Stuff doesn't happen for long on TLF, and few of us care how much you can deadlift.

What are you going on about?

"TLF: Max Security!!!!11!!!1!"

Some people take the internet a little too seriously. You don't give anyone else flak. Someone has to be at least little exciting when everything else is a flat line...You know, stir up discussion?

And that was simply a testament to how ineffective the things I was advising/practice are. Not that copious amounts of lower back, core and posterior chain strength in general could be of any benefit when it comes to hiking.

Curls and tricep push downs are much better for sport performance.

But, I digress...
Is it me or does every topic recently seem to revolve around Shattys inflated sense of self worth.
You very opinionated mate, to the point of annoyance.

If you were in Aussie you would get told to pull your head in.

This is a forum for discussion about THE LASER SAILBOAT not a forum for how much you can press.
Anyway that’s my opinion hope it’s not 2 annoying.

Ps thanks for ruining yet another thread:mad:
Shatty007, unpleasant anonymous posters are not welcome at TLF.

1. Glad it was a joke, but after the kerfuffle over the weight lifting program, it's hard to tell.

2. Anonymous posters often don't care what they say. They feel they can post with impunity because no one knows who they are. As long as an anonymous poster remains civil, there's no problem.

Stuff doesn't happen for long on TLF, and few of us care how much you can deadlift.


Is it me or does every topic recently seem to revolve around Shattys inflated sense of self worth.
You very opinionated mate, to the point of annoyance.

If you were in Aussie you would get told to pull your head in.

This is a forum for discussion about THE LASER SAILBOAT not a forum for how much you can press.
Anyway that’s my opinion hope it’s not 2 annoying.

Ps thanks for ruining yet another thread:mad:

Aussies are scary...

This forum is boring, slow moving and certainly uninformative most of the time

You read any of the topics I've helped people in? Probably not.

The sailing demographic sure is exciting...I'd hate to go to a party populated solely by TLF members.

PS: You're very welcome.

Whoever the mod is here: PLEASE BAN ME.

I'm sick of Merrily
, who I believe is the mod, correct?. Go to humor school. You could definitely stand to pick up a few things.

Aussies are scary...

This forum is boring, slow moving and certainly uninformative most of the time

You read any of the topics I've helped people in? Probably not.

The sailing demographic sure is exciting...I'd hate to go to a party populated solely by TLF members.

PS: You're very welcome.

Whoever the mod is here: PLEASE BAN ME.

I'm sick of Merrily
, who I believe is the mod, correct?. Go to humor school. You could definitely stand to pick up a few things.

This is TLF drama? Tame compared to the Bene 36.7 brawls over on SA. But I suppose it's for the best, I'm sure there are many kids that use this site as a resource.

Anyway, I'll preemptively start the free Shatty movement. Keep him on TLF!

P.S. I'll show off the Lasers as soon as I find the charger to the camera


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Keep Shatty on the forum, he actually gives good advice.

Yea bey, he is actually help ya!!! some these other "experienced posters" like to say "search for it".... whats the point of a forum if you only going to search for something... LAST TIME I CHECKED THIS IS THE LASER FORUM, NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!
Yea bey, he is actually help ya!!! some these other "experienced posters" like to say "search for it".... whats the point of a forum if you only going to search for something... LAST TIME I CHECKED THIS IS THE LASER FORUM, NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!

Easy up man....start scrolling at thread after thread after thread of people experienced and unexperienced helping each other for more years than you or I have been priveliged to be a member of this fine forum.
Yea bey, he is actually help ya!!! some these other "experienced posters" like to say "search for it".... whats the point of a forum if you only going to search for something... LAST TIME I CHECKED THIS IS THE LASER FORUM, NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!

Generally it is those with more experience who are best placed to provide advice to those asking questions. Not surprisingly they can get a bit tired of answering the same question again and again. Just try starting a "Should I get a Standard or Radial" thread. When those with significant experience answered the same question 6 times in the last month they can either suggest people look back or just not answer. What then sometimes happens is you get those without experience answering giving bad advice (the "If you are 5'3" and weigh 60Kg then definitely a standard rig"). Of course the person asking does not know (or they would not have asked).

The more this happens, the less reliable the advice becomes for those who do take the trouble to look back - and many do (you often see a thread starting "I've checked and cannot find the answer so sorry if it has been discussed before but ...").

Using the forum as a reference really does work (I searched back recently when I was unsure about my traveller tension and found the answer from ages ago). Suggesting people search back rather than somebody spending their time typing in the same as they typed in last week and again 3 times the month before, etc. is, in my opinion, quite reasonable.

Internet fora seem to all follow certain characteristics - and this thread shows one of those you get on fora everywhere (from time to time). It is actually quite funny, but maybe I have a warped sense of humour. So now we can all split into the "oh yes you should" and "oh no you shouldn't", some an accuse the forum of all sorts of stuff whilst others leap to it's defence. All a bit like those pantomimes I used to get taken to when I was a kid.

...Using the forum as a reference really does work (I searched back recently when I was unsure about my traveller tension and found the answer from ages ago). Suggesting people search back rather than somebody spending their time typing in the same as they typed in last week and again 3 times the month before, etc. is, in my opinion, quite reasonable.

Good points - just a suggestion though. I ran a very popular forum for 7 years regarding very technical issues that were often run into by many people.

For sure, searching works wonders but the reality is that there will always be a ton of people who don't search or who don't know how to search.

Normally what you do is you take the most comprehensive posts and pin them to the top of the forum. In that manner it becomes a min-faq and many people tend to see it. This is kind of what I was trying to do with my mast step thread. So many people ask about mast step issues I was trying to make a very comprehensive post that people could reference in the future.

One of the problems with not pinning these threads is that over time they disappear and get buried in the back. The only way you can find them is by searching or by paging through tons of posts. Hence the need to start pinning topics that are of common value.

The problem is also a lack of consolidation. There are tons of references out there (see my sig file) but no consolidation. Therefore, the idea is to create one place where all these things are easy to find.

For instance, a new forum could be created called FAQ's where you move all the top posts into and pin them. They then become the central resource, or, a knowledgebase if you will. It's much easier then searching and the quality of the content is much higher.

But the facts are, there's only one post pinned about how to remove sail numbers. So, there's some procedural issues to be dealt with.

Oh, just as an FYI, one of the single biggest 'free' keys to forum growth is to enable email notification by default when registering. I don't know if it is on this site but I know I've taken the time to make replies to some first time posters only to not hear anything back. This causes me to wonder....

When a person registers the default should be email notification = on !

Great post Flusha . . . You've put into words what I suspect many of us have been thinking. Thanks.

Shatty007 - - lighten up will ya. Post your ideas and opinions and leave it at that. Your harsh, loud, bombastic, uncompromising attitude just turns people off. Even when you have something valuable to say, they won't listen thereafer. Also, you have no right to constantly contradict, oppose, berate, attack, and belittle those who give different advice or offer different opinions than you do. I, for one, am not amused or impressed by these kinds of behaviors. This discord you exude in your posts just serves to alienate, not educate. This is a forum - a discussion forum - for discussion - - you may not understand how that works: 1) A person asks a question or poses a topic. 2) Then various people contribute answers to this question or opinions about the topic. 3) A civil pros and cons discussion follows. 4) Then the person who posed the question decides which advice or opinions make the most sense, based on the credibility of the source(s). 5) The questioner then thanks everyone for the advice and goes on about his business.

I have found The Laser Forum to be very informative. Being a newbie to Laser sailing, I've learned so many things from this forum. Telling someone to search for pre-existing information is probably doing him a favor - - he may not have thought of doing this or known to do this. I know it gets tedious re-answering the same questions that have already been thoroughly answered, but an oportunity to help someone should be taken seriously. Laser sailing may be brand new to them. What I've done in the past to answer these kinds of questions (on other forums, other topics), is to actually do the search myself and then present the link for the previous discussion in answer to the question.

Let's get back to the topic of this thread please. I am interested in seeing other lasers. I see rigging details etc. that are very helpfull to me. My Laser, I'm afraid, is not up to the appearance standards I've seen in this forum. I'm having a great time with it though, and that's what is important to me.
Come on us your will probably walk away with some very helpful ideas from folks who have been there too......I did
Here are a few photos of my old '77 Laser just before a race last weekend at the Lake Lanier Sailing Club just north of Atlanta. I had just upgraded to the new vang and deck fittings. Now I have to learn how to adjust everything for the various conditions.


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Post some pictures of your Laser!

This is me sailing in Halifax Harbor last summer, lot of fun surfing the wake of the crash boat.


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Here are a few photos of my old '77 Laser just before a race last weekend at the Lake Lanier Sailing Club just north of Atlanta. I had just upgraded to the new vang and deck fittings. Now I have to learn how to adjust everything for the various conditions.

Seems like you have a mainsheet jammer. Are these any good as I find the deck cleats annoying... Also any recomendations?

P.S atm I'm just using my hands instead of cleats to hang on- gets a bit annoying when you need to adjust bits and peices!
The set-up in the photo posted by dwb is quite unusual. Just go with a simple (ratchet) block. The Harken block you showed in another post is fine, IMHO.

:) But if you want to stimulate the economy, go ahead and buy another one:)
The set-up in the photo posted by dwb is quite unusual. Just go with a simple (ratchet) block. The Harken block you showed in another post is fine, IMHO.

:) But if you want to stimulate the economy, go ahead and buy another one:)

I've never seen a Laser with a cleat AT the main rachet block. On the side of the boat yes, but not right at the block. Is it legal?

For the record, I think the best place to put a mainsheet block is in your toolbox.
I've never seen a Laser with a cleat AT the main rachet block. On the side of the boat yes, but not right at the block. Is it legal?

For the record, I think the best place to put a mainsheet block is in your toolbox.

I don't think you're allowed to have a cleated main sheet block although I think it would hurt more than it would help. I just switched over to a ronstan 60mm, its much smoother than the old school harken making it easier to sheet in quickly, when you're sailing 5+ races a day in medium to high wind it saves you alot of energy having smoothly opperating blocks.
I've never seen a Laser with a cleat AT the main rachet block. On the side of the boat yes, but not right at the block. Is it legal?

For the record, I think the best place to put a mainsheet block is in your toolbox.

Apperntly the mainsheet jammer is legal, but I wont be buying one if it isn't really any good....
My lasers over the years (haven't got any pics of 140871 online)


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I used to run a mainsheet cleat like that years ago with my first Laser. Helped to take a lot of pressure off the hands. The downside to it was when fully hiked out, I couldn't always maintain a good angle on the line, would get hit with a gust of wind and swimming, swimming.......

I don't run that set up with my current boat.
My '78


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