Good Safe Trailer Practices



I have been using my new trailer. To tie down my boat I have some straps that are probably identical to these intensity straps (see photo) left over from my Windsurf days. I have been wrapping these around the boat and bunks. Should I be wrapping these around the frame instead of the bunks?



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I've been trailering my boat for two years. I use one ratchet strap at the middle of the boat wraped around the frame of the trailer. I also put a bungee cord over the bow (again around the trailer frame) to keep the boat from bouncing around. I haven't had any problems.
I installed 4 cleats on my trailer frame. I just use two pieces of run of the mill rope, running from one cleat over the boat and cleated to the other side. I also tie the trailer winch line to the bow handle, and away I go. It takes less than 2 minutes to fully secure the boat. I've run that way for 30 years with no mishaps.
Just over the bunks will probably be ok. for awhile. but the risk is that the bunks come loose from rot that you cant/dont see. then on a bounce, you, car, and trailer continue, while the bunk and boat stay behind. oops. So better to attach boat to trailer frame, which is less likely to be left behind. The object of the tie down is to keep the boat with the trailer on the drop after a bounce. going up they stay together because the trailer is pushing. then gravity, inertia, and the car tend to separate things, unless firmly tied together.
