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For Sale Capri 14.2 parts


New Member
Damaged hull, no longer seaworthy. Mast, boom, tiller/rudder, sails available.
UPDATED 8/30/19 - Only parts left are the mast and boom.

Contact Tom for details and or pictures by email. tomblandy@comcast.net
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Hi Bob, yes I still have both the mast and boom. I can send you a picture of the boom if you want. Boom is easier to ship than the mast. I’m in southern NJ. Tom

You will reach me faster by email. [email protected]
Damaged hull, no longer seaworthy. Mast, boom, tiller/rudder, sails available.
UPDATED 8/30/19 - Only parts left are the mast and boom.

Contact Tom for details and or pictures by email. tomblandy@comcast.net
I’m interested in the mast and boom. Can you send me some pictures and the details about their condition?
