Anyone ever pulled one of these out?


New Member
We bought a couple of used lasers. When moving them around, I heard something rattling inside. These, or what's left of them are what I pulled out. The boats are from the 70's. I can't imagine that they are factory equipment, are they? Thanks in advance for any experienced answer.


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Is he saying that there are 6 cubetainers total in there, or just three? I pulled two out of the laser I am working on. Also, will the boat work without them? Do they still put them in new boats?
So is that what they looked like before you pulled them out, or did the process of removal destroy them?

Of course the boat will work without them, it's just emergency floatatiion in case the hull is filled with water. Sorry, don't know how many are supposed to be in there.
So is that what they looked like before you pulled them out, or did the process of removal destroy them?

Of course the boat will work without them, it's just emergency floatatiion in case the hull is filled with water. Sorry, don't know how many are supposed to be in there.
Thanks for the response. They were that way before removal. These are from the 1970's. We got 2 of them, trailer and dolly for $650. Couldn't pass it up. One needs a the cockpit floor redone. I'd love to have a newer one, but they are a lot of $$$.
