No fleet in Utah

Barometer Soup

New Member
A few of us are talking about getting a fleet going here. Anyone Interested? Or willing to help? All suggestions are welcome!

Barometer Soup
We have a decent number of laser customers in Utah. Not a huge amount, but I'm sure there are enough people around to get a fleet going.

Post some notices at the local marinas and set up an e-mail list. As the summer comes on, I'm sure you'll see interest.

if you need any help or some prizes to stir up some interest, just ask, that's what we do.

West Coast Sailing
We have a Yahoo group started to help get this going. It is parkcitylaser in Yahoo groups. But it just keeps snowing here. The lake still has about 16 inches of ice and our ski resorts still have about 120 inches of snow as a base. The ski resorts wil close this weekend so we hope it warms up and the lakes melt soon. We see no signs of global warming here. When I snowblowed the driveway this morning there was already 6 inches of fresh and it is supposed to snow all day. I guess I'll go skiing!
Barometer Soup
Well I guess I should give an update.
After getting all the legal stuff done and getting club insurance, we finally got it going! We have finished our first series and are growing fast. We already have almost 50 members! About 20 have boats and the rest are trying to buy boats. On Tuesday evenings we have about a dozen boats racing. We are already the largest one-design fleet in Utah! I am sure that next year we will have 25- 30 boats on the starting line! We are even discussing the possibility of hosting the district 23 championships on Bear Lake in northern Utah.

Please check us out at [email protected] or google [park city laser sailing association]

John Nuffer
Park City Laser Sailing Association
Looks like old threads lock up after a year or so with no activity.

Anyway to reiterate, great write-up and photo in the October '09 Sailing World about the Park City fleet.
