Recent content by dd2000

  1. dd2000

    Help choose the cover photo for the RYA Dinghy Show Programme

    I agree - the Laser's coming out the page at you. Great shot of the helm, and loads of action. An excellent cover shot I reckon ! nb voting closes Monday.
  2. dd2000

    Help choose the cover photo for the RYA Dinghy Show Programme Choice of four photos, well one really :)
  3. dd2000

    Auto bailer question

    I'd like to share my experience with both O-rings and Stephen's spring solution (as seen on ebay). I've had my Laser for a couple of years. I've changed the O-rings a couple of times though it fixed the bailer it would gradually degrade over a couple of months and then stop closing again. The...
  4. dd2000

    Laser serial number - can this be true?

    From the single page that I have from the now defunct but much missed drLaser website... 139434 would be a 1990 boat and 39434 would be 1976. I had a quick look at the photos on the auction page and with the white deck and plastic gudgeons & grabrails, my bet would be on 1990. Dave
  5. dd2000

    laser inspection port 2001

    I've never tried to get any of the bits out, but I've got to fix the bailer sometime in the next couple of weeks so maybe I'll have a try then. If I find anything interesting I'll report back. Dave
  6. dd2000

    laser inspection port 2001

    Mine's got a load of little bits rattling round in it as well. An ex-Laser manufacturing guy commented on it when I was having a repair done but he told me it was nothing to worry about. He added that the fact that we could hear it rattling around was good as it meant the hull was dry. I...
  7. dd2000

    wind indicator for bow eye?

    My recommendation is to get hold of a tiller universal joint (eg Ronstan RF3133) and a wind indicator with straight supporting rod (eg mini hawk). Screw the fixed part to the fairlead using a couple of stainless steel screws. Drill a hole down the the centre of bendy part, suitably sized so...
  8. dd2000

    Atlanta Olympics boat question

    Mines got Atlanta graphics in the cockpit (just text - no Olympic rings) and has a blue waterline hull. Is that like yours? Dave
  9. dd2000

    Tiller and rudder connection

    My carbon tiller did this as well so I bit the bullet and drilled a hole. I use a 1/8" x 3/4" stainless split pin secured to the rudder head with some thin line. The pin only has a small head so the main doesn't catch and the tiller stays in now, which is much better! Dave
  10. dd2000

    Foil Paint Recommendations

    Thanks for the info. I went to the hardware superstore and found a product from Plasti-Kote called Super Enamel which I am pretty sure is an Acrylic Enamel. I bought a can of Satin White which gives a very similar finish to the original foil coating. I've given it about 5 light coats which...
  11. dd2000

    Foil Paint Recommendations

    I just fixed the rear trailing corner of my centreboard which got knocked off last week. It seems pretty solid now and I've given it a good sanding to make it smooth and remove all the little nicks. I'd like to repaint it now to make it look nice and perhaps give it a tough coating. Previous...
